At the present time, my home is located near the lake of Neuchâtel in Switzerland.
the missing link to the power of consciousness
At the present time, my home is located near the lake of Neuchâtel in Switzerland.
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Bio means “life” in ancient greek, Energy is something that is needed in order for something to change. No energy, no change. Energy is needed to maintain the processes of a living organism, whether it is small or complex. These processes do not only occur on the physical, but also on the invisible level. Every living being has its energy field, it is at the root of the physical manifestation of this being. |
Bioenergetics is a new science whose purpose is to unify the description of the human energetic body and the construct of a human being. The model of a person’s energetic bodies and the parameters affecting these bodies, proposed within the frame of Bioenergetics, has been set up by a few clairvoyant and clairsentient persons. It tries to respond to the needs of energetic practicians all around the world. The model is continuously evolving.
Bioenergetic Decoding is an ensemble of techniques that make it possible to grab the logic behind a person’s life blocks, whether they concern the physical, the emotional, or the mental sphere. It also proposes techniques, based on precise conscious action, to dismantle these blocks, thus allowing the energy to flow freely.
The basic underlying idea is that life is all about energy and that this energy is available in unlimited amounts; we could name this energy “free energy”, “prana”, “divine energy”, “life energy”, “manna”, etc. As a matter of fact, Chakras act as transformers. They convert the unlimited free energy into very specific energy acting on a precise function of the energetic body. For example, the fifth chakra, also named throat chakra or Vishuddha chakra, plays a crucial role when it comes to the expression using the physical body (speech, singing, dancing, gesture, juggling). Blocking of the fifth chakra interrupts the energy flow, thus generating a physical handicap (unable to move, to talk, etc.) Blocking may also prevent a person from dancing or cause awkward gestures.
The second underlying idea is that all our handicaps (except those that find their origin in an accident) are of energetic nature. On the physical level, we all have the same brain, but on the subtle level, the energy available for the various mental function will differ among individuals, such as to allow some to show a very brilliant mind and other, to be rather dumb or narrow-minded.
Bioenergetic Decoding is about the comprehension of the deep causes generating the restrictions on a free energy flow. Throughout the past years, more than 50 additional energy centers have been identified, affecting very specific aspects of life, especially on the mental level. It proposes various conscious actions that will restore the free flow.
Thousands of bioenergetic decoding sessions confirm the power of the method and its results.
Below is a list of hindrances or illnesses that have been successfully addressed by the tools of bioenergetic decoding:
– stuttering, difficulties with verbal expression
– lack of self-confidence, need to be confirmed by others
– lack of abundance, recursive unemployment, inability to develop one’s business
– lack of sense in life, inability to find one’s place
– various sex-related problems and illnesses affecting the genital area
– depression, burnout
– various addictions
– repeated situations (aggression, abandon, betrayal, loss, bankruptcy, etc. )
– attacks by black magic
– and many many more …
Have you ever met someone saying to you, while holding his arms crossed in a closed position: “I listen to you”? The discrepancy between words and physical attitude produces something that is named a “cognitive dissonance”. You can’t really trust a person whose gestures express something different than her verbal expression. As a matter of fact, the non-verbal expression is connected to the subconscious mind, whereas the words are the expression of the conscious mind.
What happens if the conscious mind says “yes” with a big forced smile, but the subconscious mind says “no” or produces “fear”, “anxiety”, “shame”, “guilt”, or some other negative emotion or discomfort? When we experience a discrepancy between conscious desire and subconscious blocks, the conscious desire usually loses the battle.
Spontaneous visualization is a powerful tool that helps us to identify the subconscious desire. This desire can be a close match to the conscious desire or it may be far away from it.
Here is an example:
Jenny has a strong desire to find true love and to get married. Her conscious desire is made of scenes that we’ll see in every romance movie. The spontaneous visualization however will allow her to sense the fear of getting engaged and losing her freedom.
The same tool can be applied to reveal subconscious blocks in relationship with being successful, with gaining acceptance, with abundance, with being focused, in accordance with deeper values, and so forth. Spontaneous visualization will also allow a person to monitor the changes obtained by changing underlying beliefs or releasing transgenerational projections. Spontaneous visualization is really produced by the subconscious mind and cannot be manipulated by the conscious mind.
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Melody has just celebrated her 39th birthday. She is faced with a difficult choice, that of pursuing her career as a journalist or that of joining an NGO as a spokesperson. Big challenge! A reading of his red thread shows the different stages of his journey, from the Greek period.
– Ancient Greece: Melody witnessed the birth of the concept of citizenship and the need to involve the individual in the choices of society through democracy
– Ancient Rome: Melody chose the opposition by repeatedly marrying opponents of the consul. Her incarnations are complicated, on several occasions, she must flee and owes her survival only to accomplices because she has always known how to make allies.
– Until about the year 700, it was embodied in Vikings. The peoples of the north give an important place to women. On several occasions, she embodies the role of “former” real head of the clan.
– Melody returns to the nascent Christian world. Its integrity is put to severe tests in a world torn apart by the desire for material wealth. On several occasions, Melody finds herself stuck in conflicts of interest.
– With the year 1000, the birth of a more tolerant spirituality, Melody embarked on the monastic path.
– Before the decline, around the year 1300, we will find Melody in the Far East. Impatient by nature, she will acquire patience in Japanese soil. His impulsiveness will be his biggest obstacle.
– We will find Melody in the 16th, as a nun open to the ideas of the renaissance. She will be rejected by her peers for taking too “libertine” positions. She will enter a phase of opposition that will endanger her during several incarnations. His emigration to the United States will mark the end of this period. At the end of the 19th, she became one of the first editors for a large newspaper.